Lauch the APN Configuration service with different triggers.
User-triggering via web or short number SMS and
Automatic-triggering via MVNO infrastructure integration with API (IMEI, IMSI)
Improve Your Customer Satisfaction
Make device configuration almost transparent for the newcomers.Improve Customer Engagement
In a bring-your-own-device model, MVNO faces several problems configuring the terminal. Any obstacle in this process translates into customer dissatisfaction on the onboarding process. Bad first taste for a newcomer! With APNSetting, the customer onboarding is smooth, almost transparent and makes an impressive welcome onboard!
Drop out Customer Care Costs
Thanks to the automatic APN configuration process, most of the user terminals are configured as soon as the customer introduces their SIM. This leads to a significant reduction of customer care calls, dropping out severely your contact-center costs.
Up-to-date Knowledge Base
We are continuously researching the market, analyzing new devices and testing the configuration process to prevent issues and improve the effectiveness of the platform. We help you to take better decisions with the information gathered from our research.

Provisioning Platform as a Service for MVNOs
Automatically configure APN and MMS settings
No matter whether the device is Android or iOS, the configuration process is crystal clear for the customer maximizing engagement and reducing derived costs due to Customer Care calls. Global service, scalable, reliable and 99% guaranteed to ensure your customer onboarding.